Westvale Dental – A family-friendly dental office in Kitchener Waterloo

Westvale dental is a local dental office owned and operated by Dr. George Ho. It is known for its family-friendly service and expertise. They are located in Waterloo on Ira Needles Blvd near the Boardwalk. Dr. George Ho has been working as a dental surgeon since 1997 when he graduated from University of Toronto. He […]
Jay Fencing 2017 Re-Design

I completed a new re-design for Jay Fencing in May 2017. This update including massive changes to the design and layout to match current website design trends. Jay Fencing receives a lot of testimonials and therefore I setup a custom testimonial system and replaced the plugin used before. This now allows appropriate testimonials to appear […]
Blake Tree Experts

I custom designed this one-page website for Blake Tree Experts, an arborist located in north western Ontario, near Owen Sound. The website is clean, simple and easy-to-use.
Crypto Consultant

I host and maintain this website, but did not design it.
Cambridge Surplus

Cambridge Surplus is a unique store in that it offers thousands of products across many categories at great prices. If you need something hard to find, this is a great store to visit. I built a custom designed website for Cambridge Surplus that allows them to import and update over 10,000 products with a very […]
Lackner McLennan Insurance Ltd.

Lackner McLennan is an established insurance broker in Kitchener-Waterloo offering many different types of insurance. You can visit their array of websites through the home page.

The Grosche website is a fully-featured e-commerce website which has both a USD and CAD priced products, shows prices according to country, uses coupon codes, variable products, reviews, and an entirely custom designed product page template, cart and checkout system. Grosche products are popular for their beautiful aesthetics, practical design and comfort. They can be […]

A website built for a local ND. It uses a pre-built theme and uses WordPress to allow the client to edit the website himself.
Precise Appraising

A custom-built, one-page, clean, minimalistic website designed for a local appraiser. It uses full-width design with smooth scrolling. The design includes a responsive mobile version.
Alandra CL Author Website is back!

The alandracl.com website was down and has now been repaired, moved to a new host and is live again!