Radio Herz Club

Amherst Mouldings Wood & Screen Doors Brochure

I created this product brochure for Amherst Mouldings to promote their wood and screen door products. They asked for a clear, and simple layout. We had a challenge fitting all the various styles of doors into the inside two pages of the brochure.
Pizza La Villa

rHealth Challenge Business Card

This is a double-sided business card designed for rHealth Challenge’s Aaron Samanta.
The Sussex Deal Book Cover

I designed this cover for a suspense thriller titled The Sussex Deal. This book takes place in Toronto. The cover is should intrigue the reader and ask the question of what is going on in that elevator. Another criteria of the book was that it easily stand out as a thriller, mystery, suspense type novel. […]
Sweet Bow Photography

Sweetbow Photography Mobile Website

You’ll need to visit this website with your smartphone to experience the mobile version. It offers a touch sensitive slider on the frontpage, blog, galleries and more all work for mobile.
Dr. Marvin Gretzinger Mobile Website

Visit this Dr. Gretzinger’s website with a smartphone and you will find an easy to use mobile website that fits your screen which makes it easy to read and navigate.
EZ Window Cleaning

Dr. Marvin Gretzinger – Dentist